Pondering Life
Welcome to FiloFeast
My Book is Now Available on Amazon HERE.
Check out my NEW YouTube of my speaking engagement at a Worklight meeting discussing my book.

FiloFeast is my fun place where I, a regular guy & author get to share the things I do to navigate life.
Check out my recent post here
My Jodie’s Touch of Style Photography Excerpts

My new brain-stimulating adventure is me, a regular guy & author earnestly plowing through the multitude of steps of writing a book.
My painstaking perseverance is paying off as my new book launch should take place soon. It is so very exhilarating!
Click the above MY BOOK UPDATES button or click on my author page to bring you with me on my book journey.
Other Stories & Stuff
You can find all my blog posts where I discuss food, restaurants, wine, and posts about my life, or you can use the menu choices.
Some of My Favorite Life and Food Posts
One of my favorite posts making fun of our new life is A Day in the Life of an Instagram Blogger Husband
Another post I enjoyed doing is a favorite way to prepare artichokes I never knew they were so easy to make. I am glad that Jodie likes them.
The silliest post was when I wanted to be a spokesperson for a pizza oven company. the video is showing my audition to be a pizza oven spokesman.
Life Health and Curve Ball
Some of my health issues inspired me to write a few blogs explaining my choice to change to a nutrient-dense way of eating. I show a lot of my emotions through the process. And I talk about my struggles and victories on the way to feeling better and staying healthy. My wife and I keep saying the food we put into our bodies is either poison or medicine to our bodies.