Rob’s Author Page

Welcome to my author page where I will keep you up to date on my book publishing timeline.

Like A Roaring Lion Available HERE

Check out my author posts.

Like A Roaring Lion is now available HERE

Check out my YouTube of me reading a short excerpt from my book.

Now on Amazon

Book Updates

Write a Book
Rob Author to Write a Book

How I Created a Quality Manuscript

I have been working with a very talented writing coach from Illumify Media Group to help me with the task of cleaning up and finishing my manuscript. It’s been a labor of love.

I’ve gathered so much knowledge under the tutelage of my writing coach. the process has been so productive and the coaching has been enjoyable. Onward to the next step. Sending it to the copy editor. Pinch me. LOL

UPDATE: Complete. My manuscript is finished and we are sending it to the copy editor. Wow.

I have started the process of requesting short book endorsements/blurbs to be included in my published book. It is nerve-racking but fun all at the same time.

UPDATE: Complete. I have received three book endorsements to be included in my book. It’s so humbling receiving such kind words and yet very exciting.

UPDATE: Complete. The back cover verbiage has been through two rounds of edits.

UPDATE: Complete. The final round of edits has been made with the copyediting process and now the typesetting process begins. After two rounds of edits in the typesetting phase, I am approaching the finish line.

UPDATE: THE FRONT COVER IS FINISHED! The artist is working on the book cover design. Can you say WOW!!! She sent me 3 options to choose from. Although I think they are all fantastic, two really capture the tone of the book. One has a slightly darker look, and the other has lighter air. I put it to a vote on my Instagram and Jodie’s Instagram. The results were interesting. And the majority voted for the lighter one.


Like A Roaring Lion is now available HERE

I hope you find my tellings of the intimate look at my life’s battles with darkness and how God’s intervention saved me from some dangerous situations fascinating.